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Hasil gambar untuk LINUX

History development linux and the types of linux
In 1969, Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie (also the developer of the C language), researchers at AT & T Bell Laboratories American, making the UNIX operating system, the forerunner of Linux. UNIX get great attention because it is the first operating system which is created not by the hardware maker. In addition, because all the source code created with C language, making it easier to transfer to a variety of platforms.
In a short time UNIX growing rapidly and split into two streams: UNIX developed by the University of Berkeley and was developed by AT & T. After it started many companies are involved, and there was a competition that involves many companies to take control in the field of operating systems. This competition led to the need for standardization. From this was born the project that was driven by the IEEE POSIX (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), which aims to set the standard UNIX specification. However, these standards do not relieve the competition. Since then, appear various types of UNIX.
One of them was made by the U.S. MINIX Tanenbaum for educational purposes. MINIX source code is that by Linus Torvalds, a student at the University of Helsinki, was used as a reference to create a new operating system is free and the source code can be accessed by the public. The operating system is then given the name Linux. In building Linux, Linus uses tools from the Free Software Foundation's GNU licensed. Then to make Linux a complete operating system, he put the programs that are also licensed under GNU.

Technically and short it can be said, Linux is an operating system that is multi-user and multitasking, which can run on various platforms, including INTEL processor 386 and higher. The operating system implements standard POSIX . Linux can interoperate well with other operating systems, including Apple, Microsoft and Novell.

Starting from the Unix operating system developed and implemented in the 1960s and was first released in 1970. Its wide availability and portability meant that it can be used, copied and modified extensively by academic institutions and the business.

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